The Responsible Purchasing policy is a purchasing dynamic based on social and environmental values. This purchasing policy is part of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of BIONEXX, which the company as ambition. In collaboration with the direction, all company staff and suppliers, it deploys a Responsible Purchasing policy generating great sustainable performance for the company and also for stakeholders with the aim of:
Preserve and increase profits,
Build lasting and respectful partnerships with committed suppliers,
Convey a brand image for social and environmental causes,
Improve business performance
In order to achieve these objectives, this Responsible Purchasing Policy is based on compliance with the various guidelines belove by stakeholders:
1 -Quality/price ration: respect the principle of best value for the choice of offers, taking into account the economic, social and ecological dimensions linked to the entire life cycle of the product and the organization of suppliers.
2-Complianee with laws and regulations in force: in all territories concerned, at all steps and to all stakeholders
3-Valuation of supplier commitments: promote suppliers committing to respect working conditions as well as to their suppliers, reducing environmental impacts during manufacturing or execution of the service and transparency on costs linked to the life cycle of products.
4-Transparency on the production chain: promote suppliers with a good knowledge of production chain (traceability).
5-Comrnitment to suppliers: provide clear införmation to facilitate the preparation of offers by suppliers.
BIONEXX encourages its suppliers to make an active contribution to this responsible Purchasing Policy by complying with the standards and regulations in force, agrees to be evaluated on their RSE performance and, if necessary, to propose an improvement approach, supports BIONEXX in achieving its RSE objectives, in particular by offering innovative products, processes or services.
6-Training and awareness: organize regular training on responsible purchasing for buyers and people involved in purchasing, as well as suppliers if necessary.